Student Organizing Committee (SOC)
The International Planetary Probe Workshop (IPPW) Student Organizing Committee (SOC) strongly encourages students and young professionals to join the workshop and short course. IPPW is a great opportunity to deepen your knowledge, broaden your horizons and to get involved with the experts in the field. Workshop contributions from students are highly encouraged in both oral and poster presentation formats.
There will be several special events throughout IPPW that are organized especially for students:
Student Social – A fun opportunity for students to meet and socialize before the week-long workshop.
Professional Development Luncheon – A forum for students to improve their professional skills and interact directly with community professionals.
Student oral and poster presentation competition
Student Social
Details for the student social will be provided prior to the event.
Professional Development Luncheon
Details for the professional development luncheon will be provided prior to the event.
Student Scholarship Application
To enable students to participate in IPPW, a limited number of student scholarships are available to help defray the costs of the workshop and short course. If you are currently an undergraduate/graduate student or graduated within the last year, you can apply for a limited number of student scholarships for travel support.
Student scholarships cover expenses related to workshop attendance, up to a maximum level. Funds spent beyond the stated award must be covered by other sources. Travel reimbursements will be awarded competitively based on a student’s abstract and a letter of recommendation from the student’s research advisor. An accepted abstract for oral or poster presentation is required to be eligible for the student scholarship. The scholarship is for the awardee only and cannot be transferred to another student. These scholarships are made available by the generous support of our sponsoring organizations.
NOTE: All expenses must be covered by the student prior to and during the workshop. Scholarships for will be provided by reimbursement (up to a certain maximum amount) following your return from the workshop.
There are two types of applications: one for US Students, and one for Non-US Students (see detailed information below). Due to different sponsor requirements, the application process for students studying in the United States is coordinated separately from that for remaining students. Also, note that restrictions may apply to the eligible countries of citizenship for a scholarship, depending on the available funding sources. For information on the application process for your region, please see the appropriate section below.
US Students:
Travel reimbursement will be made for the following expenses:
Travel (air, train, taxi, bus, airport parking, rental car, parking, etc.)
Short Course Registration
Meals other than those provided by the Workshop
Application process:
All US student scholarship applications must be made through the abstract submission portal. The due date for student scholarship applications is the same as the abstract submission deadline. Upload your abstract, indicate that you are a student (click Yes if you graduated in the last 12 months), and upload a recommendation letter from your academic or research advisor to be considered for the scholarship. The US student scholarship applications will be reviewed based on the following criteria:
Innovativeness of the research idea
Clarity of the abstract
Technical accuracy/feasibility
Recommendation Letter
Recommender’s familiarity with student’s work
Student’s technical ability
Relevance of attending IPPW to student’s career
Students from ESA member states:
Travel reimbursement will be made for the following expenses:
Travel (air, train, taxi, bus, airport parking, rental car, parking, etc.)
Short Course Registration
Meals other than those provided by the Workshop
Application process:
All ESA Member States student scholarship applications must be made through the abstract submission portal. The due date for student scholarship applications is the same as the abstract submission deadline. Upload your abstract, indicate that you are a student (click Yes if you graduated in the last 12 months), and upload a recommendation letter from your academic or research advisor to be considered for the scholarship.
SOC Chairs & Contact Info
Gilles Bailet, EU Co-Chair
Quincy Mckown, US Co-Chair
Ruth Miller, US Co-Chair
Chris Naughton, US Co-Chair